Village Green - This horse is very smart and should develop into a nice type over the summer. If the ground had been good today then a few in the yard would have taken on e/w bets but in the current conditions it's unlikely that the horse will run to his full potential. Despite that no-one in the camp would be surprised if this one did run well because he has been working well at home and compared to the rest of the runners in the field is an unknown quantity. Advice = No Bet this time wait for good ground.
Interestingly my guy actually tried to buy one of the other horses in the field (Missus Mill's) as he is following her Sire but he believes she will probably be more of threat once she has been awarded a mark so no bet on that one either.
I do have one bet to add though and then that's it for this afternoon - 3:00 Salisbury KINGSDINE (4/1) - 5pt win and 1pt RF with Kingswingford = Total Stake = 7pts
About Me
- Racing101
- For the past few years, I have dedicated the majority of my time to horse racing. I have become an established member of numerous racing forums and I am sure a few of you will have seen my 'Please Ignore' threads on GG and (great forum). In my spare time I also advise a number of parties concerning bloodstock and dosage profiles. In the last 5 years I have formulated numerous selection filters and rating systems which have allowed me to achieve substantial profit on a yearly basis. I have also established links with a number of stables, and receive regular info which I will share on the blog as and when I receive it. For me horse racing is a passion and I'm always looking at ways to improve, both as a tipster and as an equine enthusiast. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and feel free to contact me either via email at or via twitter at horses4course.
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